The Apocynaceae are trees, shrubs or sometimes herbs, usually with milky sap comprising about 200 genera and 2,000 species. The leaves are simple, usually opposite and decussate, or whorled; stipules are usually absent. The flowers are bisexual and actinomorphic or sometimes weakly zygomorphic. The calyx is synsepalous and usually 5-lobed. The corolla is sympetalous and usually 5-lobed. The stamens are distinct, as many as corolla lobes and alternate with them, and adnate to the corolla tube (or perigynous zone). The anthers are introrse and commonly adherent to the surface of the stigma. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 2 carpels that may be distinct at the level of the superior or rarely partly inferior ovary but which are united by a single style. When distinct, each ovary typically has few to numerous ovules on marginal placentae; when connate, the placentation is axile or intruded parietal. A nectary consisting of 5 glands or an annular ring is usually found at the base of the ovary. The fruit is commonly a follicle, capsule, or berry. The seeds usually are flat and winged or have a tuft of hairs at one end. |
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